
Can I drink tap water directly? Is it necessary to install a water purifier?
It is necessary! Very necessary!
The conventional process of water purification in the water plant four major steps, respectively, coagulation, precipitation, filtration, disinfection. Previously, the water plant through the conventional four steps can meet the residents of the drinking water needs, but now the problem of water pollution is becoming more and more serious, and the earth’s water is in the natural cycle and the social cycle of the two states, with the mixing of industrial pollution, agricultural pollution and even nuclear pollution, mobility and solvency are very strong in the water, naturally, will be these pollutants into a part of their own. So the conventional four steps have been unable to ensure the safety of tap water, many water treatment plants will be in the conventional treatment process after the depth of the process, such as activated carbon adsorption and combined process, the depth of the oxidation process and membrane separation process, but these processes are still to be developed and popularised.

Moreover, in the process of supplying water, the tap water will pass through a network of hydrophobic pipes to deliver water to each household. Hydrophobic pipe network in the water supply over the years, will form a thick layer of scale on the inner wall, the scale layer is more complex, in addition to hard scale like similar to scale, but also includes rust, impurities, bacteria and other pollutants. The surface of the scale layer is not flat, and it is easy to carry some impurities in the scale layer into each household during the flow of tap water.

In the case of stable water supply, stable water pressure, the scale layer can also be maintained in a more stable state, once the water supply and then re-supply of water, pressure, or in the case of replacing the water supply, the scale layer will be damaged, it will be a large number of dissolved to the user’s home, the most intuitive is to see the water changed colour.

There is, the water pressure of the water plant can only be supplied to the 5-6 floor, high floor of the residence is faced with the problem of secondary water supply, secondary water tank it itself is not lost completely closed, water inlet and outlet in the middle of the exchange of water and steam there will be a channel, pollutants are easy to enter the water tank. The point is that now the secondary water supply is not all with filtration devices, and some even roof water tower or underground water tanks for water supply and storage, so it is very easy to breed bacteria.

In summary, the water pollution problem, the water plant treatment process, the self-repair ability of the hydrophobic pipe network and the material of the water-related components, community storage tanks will affect the safety of the tap water supply system, the tap water heated to 100 ℃ can only reduce the residual chlorine, can not be removed, heated chlorine residual chlorine may produce new hazardous substances, while the organic pollutants, sediment and other impurities can not be resolved. The water purifier can intercept the sediment, rust outside, but also efficiently remove heavy metals, residual chlorine, foreign colours and other issues, while bacteria and other harmful no filtration, for the whole family healthy drinking water escort.

Post time: Mar-21-2024