
Lucio Diaz, 50, was arrested after sticking his penis in an employee’s water bottle and urinating into it, and was charged with indecent assault and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
A Texas mother contracted an STD after a janitor allegedly inserted his penis into her water bottle and urinated into it.
The Houston mother-of-two, who did not want to be named, learned of the horrific events after installing spy cameras in her office.
A 54-year-old woman told ABC 13 that cleaner Lucio Diaz, 50, allegedly “tipped the bottle back and actually doused my penis with my water” before inserting his genitals about “halfway” into her drink.
“This man is a patient,” she said. According to HOU 11, 11 more people have applied, and all of them are being tested for STDs.
The woman said, “I want the case to go to court. I want him to be identified, I want him to pay for what he did to me and be deported.
Diaz, who is currently in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody while his immigration status is being verified, was charged with indecent assault and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Both charges concern the same victim.
The employee, who did not want to be named, set up surveillance cameras in her office and filmed him inserting his penis into her water bottle before knocking over the bottle to rinse his genitals with water.
A woman working in a doctor’s office raised suspicions in August that the office’s water dispenser was dirty and smelly.
She said that she then started bringing her own water, but left it on her table if she didn’t finish her drink.
A few days after the cooler stank, she discovered that her leftover water bottle smelled just as bad, so she throws it away.
In September, a colleague offered to make her coffee, and when she told her to use bottled water, the colleague asked why the water was yellow.
She said she immediately felt “nauseous” when she went to sniff it, telling KHOU 11, “I held it up to my face and sniffed it and it smelled like urine.”
Another employee told her that the same thing happened to her, and the doctors suspect it was from a caregiver.
By the end of September, she installed spy cameras in her office to confirm her suspicions. Court records reviewed by ABC 13 showed CCTV footage showing the janitor at work, and a urine test in her office confirmed her worst fears.
The employee (pictured) also accused him of urinating in her water and contaminating the office water cooler during separate incidents in August and September. She was also diagnosed with a terminal STD, matching Diaz’s results.
“I was really, really scared and I thought, ‘What if he’s sick? After being tested for STDs, the mother-of-two got some more bad news.
“I was told I had an STD and it tested positive,” she told ABC 13. “Nothing is going to change that. Nothing can make me better. In fact, I feel like I’m going to have to be careful for the rest of my life.
The alleged victim claimed that Diaz continued to work in the building even after management was notified.
After a urine test, the victim handed over two bottles of water to the police. After a conversation with Diaz, he confessed to the police that he did it out of “malicious intent” and that it was a “disease”.
Both work in a doctor’s office in Houston (pictured). When the officers confronted the janitor, he confessed and said it was a “sickness” and that he had done similar things in previous jobs. He also claimed he didn’t know he had an STD.
Her lawyer Kim Spurlock, who filed the lawsuit against the building, told ABC 14: “They have a duty to protect their tenants and they have completely failed in that duty.”
Terry Quinn, CEO of Altera Fund Advisors, owner of the building, issued a statement in response saying: “Our management company contacted the police department as soon as our tenants became aware of this potential issue. The police advised them not to disturb or approach the alleged perpetrator in order to arrest him. He was arrested when he returned to the building.
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Post time: Dec-09-2022